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Past Lifetimes Of Magical Dabbling

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Past Lifetimes Of Magical Dabbling Empty Past Lifetimes Of Magical Dabbling

Post by Admin Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:16 pm

The process of becoming more aware is simply that, becoming aware of that which we don't know. For whatever we know now, what we are currently aware of, if we remain in that position with Life then that's all we will know, we can become self convinced, comfortable with our situation and that will then become our reality. And becoming more aware, and recognizing and standing moreso Real in our Real awareness is the Real purpose for the simulators in the first place. And then we take the time to recognize the ISSS through the Real awareness that we stand in and that is in fact, this ISSSNISSS TruReality. Then everything of creation can be utilized for what it is in fact intended for, as references, that we can recognize the ISSS from the comparison that cause and effect simulation provides. So this process of awareness must continue on, or we rather become stuck, self convinced. And until we do complete our awareness, in that we have become fully aware of creation, have faced it all, all the agreements of the personal self through all parts of it, and especially the mighty storehouse of millions of lifetimes of subconscious agreements that we are unconscious of. And now conscious of the personal self construction we then must decide to let it all go. Until we reach this point of complete awareness, we will still be taplined to creation, and so it is a continuous series of risk taking steps, of stepping into the unknown, that our awareness is activated accordingly. Perhaps it wouldn't be such an issue of staying in creation with the simulated reality we have decided and settled in with, if it is personal self gratifying, were it not for the reality of this simulator being a controlled reptilian matrix of restriction. And the consciousness agreements the dark forces have gleaned for this matrix design, the consciousness that effects the state of the simulator, as it in fact generates it, is reflecting a simulator that is spiraling into demise and eventually implosion. Unless of course agreement, the consciousness changes that this simulator effect alters accordingly. But regardless, why miss this golden opportunity to stand as the beings of Real light we all are now, that requires recognition to assume. For if you are listening to these experiences, or if anything has entered your experience regarding the Nupresentation and the Real references that pertain to the ISSS, then the chances are, you have been chosen by the Guides and given this opportunity. As until an individual is ready, until they decide to step up, first on the Real side, then for it to filter through to the personal self, nothing of the TruReality can feature in their experience, even though Life is always on and always there to see. And unlike the dark forces, the Real Guides will not impose anything on anybody, they wont violate free will. They wont deceptively program the consciousness that situations, effects, then feature in the experience of individuals, individuals have to decide. And at this moment, every being has been approached on the Real side by the Guides, but always is the task for the Real awareness to get the personal self's attention first, then is the endurance test to see if the individual can complete the process. For the personal self does get bored easily, and unless we constantly are moving forward with our awareness, if we tread water too long, or remain at a certain position with it for too lengthy a period, the personal self nags and tugs and wants to return to whatever thrill seeking satiated its want for sensation gratifying. Just like as we transition, if we haven't taken the time to become more aware, then after a while of drifting about the astral, where most will go on transition, it is boredom, that off the inability to seemingly progress from the personal vu perspective, that has the individual wanting to go back to what it knew, a physical level one dimensional position, and continue its thrill chasing. For as we continue, the personal self is always there, and we must get it aligned through its 5 vehicles with the Real intent, we must keep it motivated, stimulated, until as we continue on, as we place less attention on the considerations of the personal self, it starts to fade into the background. But until that point, you rather have to keep the personal self interested, for indeed most who approach the Nupresentation in the first place, as it would be for any idea the personal self decides on, initially the want to do so was based not so much on benefiting the whole of Life and putting it first, but rather from a personal self first and thrill seeking motivation. For me, I was captivated by the idea of these Real side experiences, of meeting aliens and reptilian gods etc, as rather an extension of my astral projection and other practices of exploration. But then, as with anything, you must begin to recognize your Real intent, and that everything in creation, including the Real side experiences are a vehicle, a tool to that end, of recognizing the ISSS, but not the end result itself. As I said part of the process is recognizing all the subconscious agreements and attachments, that until we become aware of, we remain unconscious to, and they continue to generate effects we must experience through the design of consciousness construction to simulation experience. And as we go through all these tapline agreements and attachments, very often we have imagery, the scenes and situations of the lifetimes lived, the dimensions and worlds where these agreements were made, and these taplines established. So as you can imagine much of this imagery will not make sense to the personal self and its current files of memory references from this lifetime. But the Real awareness, that which is through all our creations and lifetimes in the nowness of this Nunoment now, will of course recognize and be familiar with all that its personal self has been through. And you come to recognize, get the sense, of the experiences that are such tapline facing and removing activities, with the corresponding imagery and lifetimes we see on the Real side. Where the experience can be rather sporadic, nonsensical, but very vivid and that sticks in the memory on waking, a sign of the experience being past lifetime imagery. In contrast to the experiences the Guides create or show us for our awareness process, which unlike the past lifetime flashbacks as a byproduct of the tapling identifying and removing, always have a point to them, and something we are to recognize and be made aware of through. And also many of my past lifetimes, my particular brand of sensation, thrill chasing idea, always have been along the lines of the psychic sciences, of creational manipulation, the dabbling with magic etc etc. And had I not found the NuPresentation, I imagine I would have continued with what would be once again, restricting cause and effect ideas that project me into future lifetimes. Because whatever I did, in regards to my magic dabblings, didn't work, in regards to recognizing the ISSS and superseding creation, because I'm still here. And so I would find myself in some dimension, world or other, in the company of a group of individuals, my body form gender was female, and I was seeking to be recruited into a kind of magic society, who seemed to be a group of shapeshifters. They could readily assume any form they desired, very advanced in the practice were they. They would inform me how I only had the literal idea of wanting to shapeshift, and that I must access my inner abilities, part of the deeper self, other than the mind, to unleash my shapeshifting potential. This would be rather accurate, as to access the ethereal vehicle, the seat of psychic science magic manipulation and shapeshifting, one would need to bypass and conquer the mind and emotions. And indeed we would naturally access this vehicle as we continue with our process of awareness. With the idea being not to be seduced by the abilities that we then can access, the lure of becoming a black or white magician. With both ensuring we then are resigned to the creational effects of doing so, regardless of how we apply labels to our deeds and actions, of being good or bad. The idea would be to push on as it were, to the Real awareness beyond the personal self and decide and embrace our Real intent, beyond the trappings of creation. Although everything can be utilized beneficially, without being caught in the effects, when we become aware enough that we can realize this. But anyway, I would become a part of this group, I would successfully manage to shapeshift with equal ability to them. And part of the process seemed to involve me being placed in a forest, where the trees seemed alive, and all these vines would pierce and penetrate my very body. I would become infused with the very forest, then after a time be released, and seemingly now endowed with greater shape shifting acumen. But whatever the situation and the mechanics of that simulated world, the result was the same. Because that which I had decided, were ideas in creation, that were completely personal self serving, were distortion, in that they didn't make sense with Life, and I would then be embroiled in the effects of, and projection into future unconscious lifetimes consequently. But they still were experiences that would facilitate awareness, and such magic practice could be construed as risk taking, of doing that which hadn't been done before possibly. But the idea is to still get through creation, not endlessly create and remain its effects. And one day, one lifetime, when the decision is made to recognize the ISSS, yes we then have to sort out all the subconscious taplines, face ourselves and creation and release it all. But we also can use all these experiences as references and comparisons, and lessons of what not to do. Interestingly I had a brief glimpse of the body form I assumed in the lifetime following the life just recounted, and it seems I was now a walking dragon type reptilian creature. Which again, through the body forms we assume, would indicate the nature of the ideas and agreements we have made, as we always project into lifetimes in accordance with the nature of our taplines. And the reptilian form generally is an expression of poor life choices overwhelmingly, for those who are the most abrasive, the controllers and the authorities at this moment, if their not reptilian now, very much are projecting into future positions as reptilian. The reptilian form is prehistoric in its appearance, reflecting the old and outdated agreements to restriction we might make. And the reptilian consciousness is very brutal, aggressive and dominating, so if we are positioning ourselves with such a species and consciousness, what we are deciding then must be rather restricting of ourselves and others. As the consciousness, the species and the positions in life always reflect the nature of our choices and decisions. And it does seem that magical dabbling, especially black magic, is instrumental in effecting lifetimes with a species such as the reptilians. Although it must be added that many reptilians are stepping up and coming around also, and so as more and more of them do, so their species consciousness will shift. It will be interesting to see what the effects of that might be, maybe their body forms may start to evolve, as a reflection of the consciousness becoming less rigid, brutal and abrasive attitude driven.


Posts : 228
Join date : 2020-12-02
Age : 45

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