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Multi Dimensional Personal Self Deconstruction. By Kevin Smith

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Multi Dimensional Personal Self Deconstruction. By Kevin Smith Empty Multi Dimensional Personal Self Deconstruction. By Kevin Smith

Post by Admin Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:41 pm

This Real side experience follows along the theme of that which I have been sharing on this open skype of late. The identifying of agreements and emotional attachments, bringing them from the unseen, from the subconscious, that we become conscious then of that which is cause and effect binding us to creation. This is of course the design of the simulators, that we generate experiences through the decisions, choices and agreements we make, through the vehicles of the personal created self, that we eventually decide to wake up to the Trureality of what we are, free beings of Real light, and recognise that which we are through the comparison that everything in creation provides. For everything in creation, regardless of what it is, represents what the ISSS is not, and continuous experience in creation is necessary until this recognition is established, as we decide to take the time to do so, to set ourselves up to constantly compare what we are going through in the simulation, the situations, thoughts and emotions, to this ISSSNISSS, utilising the sun and the animals as the best reference for this TruReality, a reference for this state of BeingISSSNISSS that is aside from anything created and generated through the body vehicles. To become conscious and aware of everything that is effecting experience through our decided construction of the created consciousness personal self, allows that we are not resigned and restricted to creation through the automatic generating of experience that the idea attachments and agreement taplines would ensure through the subconscious, the vaster part of the created self. As up until now we had been unconscious of the mechanics of creation and the personal self that creates it, like a program running of its own accord. We can make additional adjustments to as we chase what thrills are available each lifetime around, but generally the personal self experience generator is running based on the ingrained routines, patterns, and control programming that has been agreed to for endless lifetimes. Including all the attachments and agreements we have forged since entering the simulator, that make up the created consciousness, and maintain our restriction to creation. And so, we become aware of how everything works in creation, we become conscious of what we are generating moment to moment by way of created ideas, decisions and agreements, and we delve into the subconscious and unearth all the tapline agreements and attachments that make up the created consciousness. Once revealed, we can decide the release of these subconscious taplines we were unconscious and unaware of. This process is continuous, and with the aid of the Nu U song and the Real Guides, it is represented on the Realside in all the varied ways that it is. Generally the personal self is represented as a house on the Real side, and the unveiling of the subconscious taplines and the releasing of them demonstrated as sifting through our personal self houses and clearing out the clutter. The Real side experiences I shared previously were along these lines, to the extent where the Real Guides drove a digger through the house to more effectively break up the construction of the personal self. And then onto the street beyond, to break up the roads, a redoing of everything and a breaking down of the rigidity of creation that the roads represented. We must bear in mind that we are multidimensional beings, as hard as this may seem to grasp for the unaware, who have been indoctrinated into a one dimensional consideration, where most cant see beyond the surface world, beyond the senses and the physical level they have agreed too. Everything is going on simultaneously at the same moment, in the Nowness of the ISSS, and it is only where our personal awareness happens to be, as to what of this everything we are experiencing, based on the decisions,intent and choices we make. And so in fact, we are experiencing everything we ever had in the simulators, throughout all our lifetimes, and also what we are experiencing on the life levels of creation in this Nowness moment. We might say in fact then, in the Nowness of the ISSS, we have a seemingly endless array of potential body forms, from an endless array of lifetimes and worlds, with their respective created consciousnesses constructed according to what was decided at that moment for each, and each with a corresponding personal self that is recreated on the Real side as a house, with all the tapline agreements and attachments that make up its construction. And so we generally will have our Real side experiences of tapline revealing and removing from the personal self houses of this current lifetime and how the created consciousness stands now. But not always I would suggest, we may get glimpses of similar experiences, of house tidying or re ordering, that are occurring from different lifetimes, body forms, worlds and however the created consciousness was at that moment. We might say then these are glimpses into past lifetimes, or even into future ones, but really time is irrelevant as the created idea that it is, as simply another decided and agreed upon idea that is another comparison to what the ISSS is not. For in this recent Real side experience, I was in the personal self represented house again. But the house looked very strange in its overall construction. Naturally the Real side houses would look very much like those we live in on the physical in this lifetime, except for the extra capacity they have for our taplines. And so it makes sense that if we indeed were to have glimpses of tapline identifying and removing from physical level recreated houses on the Real side, but that were houses or homes from other worlds, maybe very alien to our own, then of course the houses would look very strange to the personal self as it is now. But quite apparent that it was a home, and the Real awareness would know what was taking place, regardless of any personal self confusion. Then we must rather recognise the additional insights being afforded us by our Real awareness, to add detail to what we are visually seeing. The Real awareness has access to everything it has put all its personal created selves through, all the lifetimes, worlds and dimensions, so everything creationally based is known to the Real awareness. What made it more apparent that this was an altogether different lifetime and spot in creation, was not just the home itself and its design, but the body form I was operating from during this experience. For I was in the body vehicle of a two legged cat person. And there I was in my personal self, recreated as a house on the Real side, and in the company of individuals that my Real awareness discernment determined to be Real Guides. For the Real awareness can determine intent and the nature of all individuals encountered on the Real side, and Real Guides have a kind of ISSSNISSS Real standing presence that is very distinctive and cant be faked. And in a similar way to how the Real Guide smashed through the walls of my personal self house before, a level of extreme and swift demolition that I evidently agreed with, it was so here. In my cat person form and in the company of the Real Guides, we were tearing this personal self house asunder, smashing it to pieces, wielding huge hammers that looked not dissimilar to Thor's. It was a complete and utter demolition job, rather satisfying to be sure. And so this experience highlights the multi dimensional nature of ourselves, highlights how everything is in this ISSSNISSS including all creational lives ever lived, and it is simply where our awareness happens to be as to the Vupoints we are afforded. And so overall, throughout all the multi dimensional construction of our created consciousness, throughout all the lifetimes, body forms and positions in creation we are occupying now, we are undertaking, if we so decide, an almighty demolition of the multi dimensional, personal self and the releasing therefore of all the emotional attachments and agreements that bind us to creation. We might say we are the culmination of our agreements as we stand now, so would it not make sense to demolish only our current created consciousness houses, but the complexity of creation with all its multi faceted aspects is such, that we really cant assume anything in regards to how our individual processes unfold.

Duane's Vu

We all go through a lot don't we, its a torture chamber here. Tearing apart that little self and getting to it, you have to be willing, that's the biggy, to be willing. And most people aren't, they cherish that which they have collected, all the things they have. And I understand, its a huge process, and I look at myself after 50 years of doing this here. Still there are little things there that cling and all the pollution in the air, the thought forms and subliminals. Its a real challenge here to get through any of this.


Posts : 228
Join date : 2020-12-02
Age : 45

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