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Meeting My Deceased Granny On The Real Side (Kevins Experience)

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Meeting My Deceased Granny On The Real Side (Kevins Experience) Empty Meeting My Deceased Granny On The Real Side (Kevins Experience)

Post by Admin Fri Apr 30, 2021 2:55 pm

In this Real side experience I would have an encounter, albeit briefly with my deceased grandmother, who was my father's mother. We are all these beings of light now in these Real Universes that require recognition to assume. But in the meantime we create our funny little creational vehicles, the personal self, and we construct its consciousness as we make our choices and decisions, the ideas, attachments, agreements that it comprises of, as we constantly build upon it from lifetime to lifetime. The variety of roles we can assume each lifetime are unlimited really, just a case of what we decide dictating our position and role and as it relates to other individuals. It is emotional attachment with individuals that constantly have them feature in our experience and lifetimes, and the assumption of what roles we each will play, what drama we may be embroiled with, and all is based on the cause and effect mechanics of the simulated creations. Duane has cited the case where he knew a couple, and the man was very aggressively inclined toward the woman, and as it transpired they had been partners in the previous lifetime, their genders the opposite and it had been the individual who was the woman now in this lifetime, who had been the man in the lifetime prior to it and had killed his partner. The emotional attachment had their karma embroiled and back into the mix they would be again, with the man having what was construed as an illogical rage directed at his partner, illogical from a surface one dimensional perspective at any rate, but making sense when a greater Vu was afforded. And very possibly you could have situations where attachments through emotion could have individuals entwined for thousands of lifetimes, and not necessarily what would be simulated sensation love idea emotion either, it could as readily be a created sensation of hate. When we come into this life, their also is agreement between the mother and the individual assuming the role as her child. As again everything can only be in cause and effect creation according to agreement and decision. What tends to happen of course, is that rather than just assuming the positions people do, they become emotionally attached to the body forms and the roles they assume and their roles in relation to others. To look at the animals would demonstrate this Beingness state of awareness, in that, yes we take on these positions and are inserted into whatever family units we are, but the animals are not attached to their body types or their positions, and don't consider and cling onto the ideas of these parent and offspring relationships. Everything in creation are ideas, including the body forms, and the positions, the roles we assume, and the thoughts and emotions we apply to our various relationships. And all of these ideas create effects we must experience if we cling to them, if we agree with them, if we are emotionally attached to them. As such, even when individuals pass over, they will very likely feature on the Real side, for in reality nothing is separate from anything else, we all are this awareness and all in the same Life. In the ISSSNISSS that is everything in every Nunowness moment, everything is there, and it is only from the perspective of the literal created personal self that there seems to be separation, distance, and individuals entering and leaving our experience. The personal self can only see pieces, the pieces it effects into its experience through the created consciousness construction and the decisions it makes in creation that presents as sequences of events and people that seem to come and go. When I first began with the Nupresentation, I had a Real side experience with this same grandmother, and she would try to warn me off about it, referring to it as a cult etc. Which is of course a fairly standard reaction to what is so Real to be beyond the recognitional grasp of most. As of course the Nupresentation references the ISSS and the personal self has rather the difficulty getting to grips with the reality of something that is everything, and that they in fact are, and that is beyond what they have known and confined themselves to, restricted to a created reflected simulator of this TruReality that they have been. So the tendency to attach created idea labels to that which they don't recognize becomes a standard response. In this more recent experience on the Real side, it seems my grandmother rather has had a complete 180, in regards to her self decided convinced position. She was speaking to me at great lengths of how she had been watching over the family from the Real side, a position in the astral I would assume, and naturally would have observed not only our continued singing of the Nu U song, my father and I, my father being her son, but that she had seen the results also. For what we decide on the physical through the personal self effects all aspects of our 5 vehicles, including the astral where her awareness was positioned, and she had evidently seen the benefit of our decided process of becoming more aware and singing the Nu U song. As such, she would go on to inform me that she too was singing the Nu U song and was finding it effective. This would indeed verify that even as we transition, we can still continue on with our awareness process or indeed, as in her case, make a start with it. Although the density of the physical level and the familiarity with its idea construction does afford the best position in regards to what the personal self can relate too, and therefore make comparison from in which to recognize and see and move into unknown expressions of being. A continued process of positioning anew, by comparison to what we already do know and relate too, then from our new established position, we can relate to that and use that as comparison again to move ever on wards into the unknown of the endlessness of the ISSS. So usually, if an individual hasn't decided to begin the journey of ISSS recognition, hasn't been prepared therefore for transition, hasn't been shown the areas of creation beyond the physical, then when they pass over to the astral, which is where most will go due to recognitional inadequacy, they wont know where they are, have nothing to relate too, rather float about confused for a time, get bored and want to return to that which they are familiar with, a physical body on another rock world on the physical level. So yes, we can continue our process of awareness wherever we happen to be in creation, but beginning after transition from the physical is less likely and less typical, but not impossible, as my grandmother would prove. Although she was clinging onto the idea creation that was her former identity as the mother of peter and my grandmother, but regardless, she was singing the Nu U song and taking the risk to see more. Also we have a pet dog called Bruno, and she would speak of how she was in constant communication with him. Seems then she was engaging him being to being, beyond the limited personal self arena, as of course the personal self of a dog would be rather rudimentary. And yet they are Real awareness beings also, they just happen to be in animal forms, according to their own process. For as we know we can engage any embodied awareness in this being to being manner. Animals would have a pure and direct connection with their Real awareness, as they had not yet immersed themselves in illusory bubbles of personal self literal ideas, they had not reached a form yet where they would begin free will deciding through the personal self. So maybe I will encounter my grandmother more in the weeks to come, as her inclination to become more aware places her in a reality that aligns with my own, rather than a personal self immersed position that would be at odds with what I'm deciding. As individuals deciding very differently will have experiences that simply cannot come into conjunction, except through imposition and lingering emotional attachment.


Posts : 228
Join date : 2020-12-02
Age : 45

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